
Simplifying Azure Application Gateway Failed Request Monitoring

Simplifying Azure Application Gateway Failed Request Monitoring

Monitoring failed requests in your Azure Application Gateway is crucial for maintaining a healthy and responsive application. This blog post dives into the improved capabilities for identifying and analyzing these failures, empowering you to diagnose issues efficiently.

Previously Limited Visibility:

Empowering Visibility with Log Queries:

Unveiling Failed Requests:

  1. Navigate to the Logs section of your Application Gateway in the Azure portal.
  2. Use the following query:
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.NETWORK" and Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"
| where httpStatus_d >= 400
| project httpStatus_d, requestUri_s, TimeGenerated

This query filters the logs for entries with:

The results will show the status code, request URL, and timestamp for each failed request.

Enhancing Monitoring Further:

| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.NETWORK" and Category == "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog"
| where httpStatus_d >= 400
| summarize count(httpStatus_d) by httpStatus_d, requestUri_s, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
| order by count_httpStatus_d desc
| project httpStatus_d, requestUri_s, TimeGenerated, count_httpStatus_d

Beyond the Basics:


By leveraging Azure Monitor Log Queries, you unlock a powerful tool for gaining in-depth knowledge about failed requests within your Application Gateway. This enhanced visibility empowers you to streamline troubleshooting, optimize application performance, and deliver a superior user experience.

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