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HomeCheat SheetOpenStack Command Line Cheat Sheet

OpenStack Command Line Cheat Sheet

OpenStack services have very powerful command line interfaces, with lots of different options.  Here few useful openstack comments,

Keystone (Identity Service)

# List all users
keystone user-list

# List identity service catalog
keystone catalog

# Discover keystone endpoints
keystone discover

# List all services in service catalog
keystone service-list

# Create new user
keystone user-create –name –tenant-id –pass –email –enabled

# Create new tenant
keystone tenant-create –name –description –enabled

Nova (Compute Service)

# List instances, notice status of instance
nova list

# List images
nova image-list

# List flavors
nova flavor-list

# Boot an instance using flavor and image names (if names are unique)
nova boot –image –flavor
nova boot –image cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec –flavor m1.tiny MyFirstInstance

# Login to instance
ip netns
sudo ip netns exec ssh <user@server or use a key>
sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-6021a3b4-8587-4f9c-8064-0103885dfba2 ssh cirros@
# if you are on devstack, password is “cubswin:)” without the quotes

# Show details of instance
nova show <name>
nova show MyFirstInstance

# View console log of instance
nova console-log MyFirstInstance

# Pause, suspend, stop, rescue, resize, rebuild, reboot an instance
# Pause
nova pause <name>
nova pause volumeTwoImage

# Unpause
nova unpause <name>

# Suspend
nova suspend <name>

# Unsuspend
nova resume <name>

# Stop
nova stop <name>

# Start
nova start <name>

# Rescue
nova rescue <name>

# Resize
nova resize <name> <flavor>
nova resize my-pem-server m1.small
nova resize-confirm server1

# Rebuild
nova rebuild <name> <image>
nova rebuild newtinny cirros-qcow2

# Reboot
nova reboot <name>
nova reboot newtinny

# Inject user data and files into an instance
nova boot –user-data ./userdata.txt MyUserdataInstance
nova boot –user-data userdata.txt –image cirros-qcow2 –flavor m1.tiny MyUserdataInstance2
# to validate file is there, ssh into instance, go to /var/lib/cloud look for file

# Inject a keypair into an instance and access the instance with that keypair
# Create keypair
nova keypair-add test > test.pem
chmod 600 test.pem

# Boot
nova boot –image cirros-0.3.0-x86_64 –flavor m1.small –key_name test my-first-server

# ssh into instance
sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-98f09f1e-64c4-4301-a897-5067ee6d544f ssh -i test.pem cirros@

# Set metadata on an instance
nova meta volumeTwoImage set newmeta=’my meta data’

# Create an instance snapshot
nova image-create volumeTwoImage snapshotOfVolumeImage
nova image-show snapshotOfVolumeImage

# Manage security groups
# Add rules to default security group allowing ping and ssh between #instances in the default security group
nova secgroup-add-group-rule default default icmp -1 -1
nova secgroup-add-group-rule default default tcp 22 22

Glance (Image Service)

# List images you can access
glance image-list

# Delete specified image
glance image-delete <image>

# Describe a specific image
glance image-show <image>

# update image
glance image-update <image>

# Manage images
# Kernel image
glance image-create –name “cirros-threepart-kernel” –disk-format aki –container-format aki –is-public True –file ~/images/cirros-0.3.1~pre4-x86_64-vmlinuz

# Ram image
glance image-create—name “cirros-threepart-ramdisk” –disk-format ari –container-format ari –is-public True –file ~/images/cirros-0.3.1~pre4-x86_64-initrd

# 3-part image
glance image-create—name “cirros-threepart” –disk-format ami –container-format ami –is-public True –property kernel_id=$KID—property ramdisk_id=$RID –file ~/images/cirros-0.3.1~pre4-x86_64-blank.img

# Register raw image
glance image-create –name “cirros-qcow2” –disk-format qcow2 –container-format bare –is-public True –file ~/images/cirros-0.3.1~pre4-x86_64-disk.img

Neutron (Networking Service)

# Create network
neutron net-create <name>
neutron net-create my-network

# Create a subnet
neutron subnet-create <network name> <cidr>
neutron subnet-create my-network

# List network and subnet
neutron net-list
neutron subnet-list

# Examine details of network and subnet
neutron net-show <id or name of network>
neutron subnet-show <id or name of subnet>

Cinder (Block Storage)

# Manage volumes and volume snapshots
# Create a new volume
cinder create <size in GB> –display-name
cinder create 1 –display-name MyFirstVolume

# Boot an instance and attach to volume
nova boot—image cirros-qcow2 –flavor m1.tiny MyVolumeInstance

# List volumes, notice status of volume
cinder list

# Attach volume to instance after instance is active, and volume is available
nova volume-attach <instance-id> <volume-id> auto
nova volume-attach MyVolumeInstance /dev/vdb auto

# Login into instance, list storage devices
sudo fdisk -l

# On the instance, make filesystem on volume
sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/vdb

# Create a mountpoint
sudo mkdir /myspace

# Mount the volume at the mountpoint
sudo mount /dev/vdc /myspace

# Create a file on the volume
sudo touch /myspace/helloworld.txt
sudo ls /myspace

# Unmount the volume
sudo umount /myspace

Swift (Object Store)

# Displays information for the account, container, or object
swift stat
swift stat <account>
swift stat <container>
swift stat <object>

# List containers
swift list

# Create a container
swift post mycontainer

# Upload file to a container
swift upload <containder name> <file name>
swift upload mycontainer myfile.txt

# List objects in container
swift list container

# Download object from container
swift download <containder name> <file name>

# Upload with chunks, for large file
swift upload -S <size> <containder name> <file name>
swift upload -S 64 container largeFile

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