Some Linux commands for Increasing Productivity

Linux commands for Increasing Productivity

In this article, we have listed out the commands that you could use in a Linux for increasing your productivity.

Find and kill and process

Let’s say you want to find a process id and kill it. You can do this using the following command.

# ps -aef | grep <service name> | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9

Find maximum space using files

Sometimes in production our filesystem get full or about to. This is due to some unwanted file get full frequently. To find those files

# find / -xdev -size +94371840c -exec du -h {} \;


# find / -xdev -size +50000 -exec ls -s {} \; |sort -n

List out all process and Listening ports

Use the following command to list all the listing ports.

# netstat –nulpn

Delete the last Word and Line

When you are typing,

  • If you want to delete the last word, use “Ctrl + W”
  • If you want to delete the whole line, use “Ctrl + U”
  • If you want to enter next line, use “Ctrl + C”

Search Previously Executed Command

You can search for a previously executed command using the reverse search functionality.Use “Ctrl + R” button and type the keyword to search. It will return the matching command executed before.

Process related

  1. Use pgrep to get the process id of a service.

# pgrep <service name>

And you can use xargs to kill all the related processes.

# pgrep <service name> | xargs kill -9

  1. User nohup and & to send a process to the background and run forever.

# nohup <some Service/process script> &

Output as file Input

You can use the output of a command as a file to be the input of another command using “<” symbol.

For example, if you want to compare the /etc/hosts of a remote host with your current host, you can do the following.

# diff /etc/hosts <(ssh user@<IP> -i ~/.ssh/key-file cat /etc/hosts)

Suppress the standard output

If you want to suppress the standard output, you can redirect the stdout to /dev/null

For example,

# ls -l > /dev/null

File Permissions in Octal form

To view the file permissions in octal form, you can use the following syntax.

# stat -c ‘%A %a %n’ <file name>

disk/CPU/network status

To know disk/CPU/network status you could use the following command line utilities.

# iostat

# netstat

# top

# vmstat

Other useful Tips

  1. Use Ctrl + Z to suspend a process
  2. Use grep for filtering outputs
  3. Use !! to execute the last command
  4. Use dmesgcommand to identify hardware or driver problems
  5. Use the mtrcommand to troubleshoot network issues.

For example,


  1. To empty a file use >followed by the filename. For example >example.txt
  2. Use pstree command to view the process tree of your system.
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