
How To Modify the Application Reconciliation Timeout in Argo CD

How To Modify the Application Reconciliation Timeout in Argo CD

If you are working on ArgoCD or if you are following us, if you may experience, when even you make a change on the repository, it populates after some time based on configuration. Which is setup with Application Reconciliation Timeout in configmap. But sometimes we cannot go with default settings, it may be due to, we need the change should applied immediately or we may need to change it for improving the performance. In this post will see how to modify the application reconciliation timeout in ArgoCD.

In Argo CD, Application reconciliation timeout is responsible for how often your applications will sync from Argo CD to the Git repository. It looks for changes and when it sees changes it will then apply the desired state from the repo to the Kubernetes (K8s) cluster. By default, the timeout period is set to 3 minutes.

In general, all the Argo CD configurations are set in the argocd-cm ConfigMap. You can check current configuration using kubectl command on your K8s cluster that is running your Argo CD instance:

# kubectl describe configmaps argocd-cm -n argocd

Most Argo CD instances are running the default settings for its configurations. The argocd-server component reads and writes to the argocd-cm ConfigMap and other Argo configuration ConfigMaps based on admin user interactions with the Argo CD web UI or the Argo CD CLI. It is normal for it to be empty with Data at 0 if you have not changed any defaults or set anything directly in the ConfigMap yet.

To change the Application reconciliation timeout, you need to do the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: argocd-cm
  namespace: argocd
  labels: argocd-cm argocd
  timeout.reconciliation: 60s
. . .

That’s it! Now your app in Argo CD will sync on the new Application Reconciliation Timeout that you set.

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