
Argo CD Sync Phases and Waves

Argo CD Sync Phases and Waves

Recently we have Argo CD Sync options with examples, part of that, there is additional options with sync, those are Phases and waves. Why this is matters? This is sometime very useful, if you are expecting some manifest on sequence or some order. Let’s see about Argo CD Phases and waves, in this section.

Sync Phases

Argo CD executes a sync operation in a number of steps. At a high-level, there are three phases pre-sync, sync and post-sync. Within each phase you can have one or more waves, that allows you to ensure certain resources are healthy before subsequent resources are synced.     

Synchronization can be configured using resource hooks. Hooks are ways to run scripts before, during, and after a Sync operation. Hooks can also be run if a Sync operation fails at any point. Some use cases for hooks are:


Hooks are simply Kubernetes manifests tracked in the source repository of your Argo CD Application annotated with, e.g.:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  generateName: schema-migrate-
  annotations: PreSync

During a Sync operation, Argo CD will apply the resource during the appropriate phase of the deployment. Hooks can be any type of Kubernetes resource kind, but tend to be Pod, Job or Argo Workflows. Multiple hooks can be specified as a comma separated list.


Hook Deletion Policies

Sync Waves

Syncwaves are used in Argo CD to order how manifests are applied to the cluster. On the other hand, resource hooks break up the delivery of these manifests in different phases. Using a combination of syncwaves and resource hooks, you can control how your application rolls out.

This example will take you through the following steps:

Using Sync Waves

A Syncwave is a way to order how Argo CD applies the manifests that are stored in git. All manifests have a wave of zero by default, but you can set these by using the annotation, like below;

  annotations: "2"

The wave can also be negative as well.

  annotations: "-5"

How Does It Work?

When Argo CD starts a sync, it orders the resources in the following precedence:


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