
5xx Server Errors – Why it occurs, What is Causes and How to Resolve?

5xx Server Errors

If you are new or experienced to Kubernetes or any IT production system, at time you may experience some errors and you would be responsible for it. There is lot of server/client errors and we should fit quicker if it production system. In this will see what is 5xx error and why should it is matter and also lets understand what could cause 5xx errors.

What are HTTP Status Codes

HTTP is a client-server protocol—the client, known as a user-agent, connects to a server and makes requests. The server receives each request, handles it, and returns a response. It is common to have intermediaries known as proxies between the client and server, which relay requests and responses to their destination.

An HTTP request looks like this:

An HTTP response looks like this:

HTTP supports the following groups of error codes:

Let’s extend to see only 5xx server error in this article.

What are 5xx Errors

5xx errors are returned as part of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is the basis for much of the communication on the Internet and private networks. A 5xx error means “an error number starting with 5”, such as 500 or 503. 5xx errors are server errors—meaning the server encountered an issue and is not able to serve the client’s request.

5xx errors can be encountered when:

The most common 5xx errors are:

In most cases, the client cannot do anything to resolve a 5xx error. Typically, the error indicates that the server has an application, hardware, or configuration problem that must be remediated.

Why You Should Care About 5xx Errors?

Significance of 5xx Errors for Web Admins

For a website owner or developer, a 5xx error indicates that a website user attempted to access a URL and could not view it. In addition, if search engine crawlers access a website and receive a 5xx error, they might abandon the request and remove the URL from the search index, which can have severe consequences for a website’s traffic.

Significance of 5xx Errors for API Developers

A 5xx error returned by an API indicates that the API is down, undergoing maintenance, or is experiencing another issue. When an API endpoint experiences a problem, returning a 5xx error code is good, expected behaviour, and can help clients understand what is happening and handle the error on the client side.

In microservices architectures, it is generally advisable to make services resilient to errors in upstream services, meaning that a service can continue functioning even if an API it relies on returns an error.

Significance of 5xx Errors for Kubernetes Users

In Kubernetes, a 5xx error can indicate:

Understanding Different 5xx Server Error Codes

500 – Internal Server Error

This error indicates that the server experienced an unexpected condition that was not specifically handled. Typically, this means an application request could not be fulfilled because the application was configured incorrectly.

501 – Not Implemented

This error indicates the server does not support the functionality requested by the client or does not recognize the requested method. This could indicate that the server might respect this type of response in the future.

502 – Bad Gateway

This error indicates that the server is a proxy or gateway and received an invalid response from an upstream server. In other words, the proxy is unable to relay the request to the destination server.

503 – Service Unavailable

This error indicates that the server is temporarily incapable of handling the request, for example because it is undergoing maintenance or is experiencing excessive loads.

The server may indicate the expected length of the delay in the Retry-After header. If there is no value in the Retry-After header, this response is functionally equivalent to response code 500.

504 – Gateway Timeout

This error indicates that a server upstream is not responding to the proxy in a timely manner. This does not indicate a problem in an upstream server, only a delay in receiving a response, which might be due to a connectivity or latency issue.

505 – HTTP Version Not Supported

This error indicates that the application does not support the major HTTP version that was used by the request. The response contains an entity stating why the version is not supported, and providing other protocol versions that the server does support.

506 – Variant Also Negotiates

This error occurs when using Transparent Content Negotiation—a protocol that enables clients to retrieve one of several variants of a given resource. A 506 error code indicates a server configuration error, where the chosen variant starts a content negotiation, meaning that it is not appropriate as a negotiation endpoint.

507 – Insufficient Storage

This error indicates that the client request cannot be executed because the server is not able to store a representation needed to finalize the request. This is a temporary condition, like a 503 error. It is commonly related to RAM or disk space limitations on the server.

508 – Loop Detected

This error occurs in the context of the WebDAV protocol. It indicates that the server aborted a client operation because it detected an infinite loop. This can happen when a client performs a WebDAV request with Depth: Infinity.

509 – Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

This error indicates that the request exceeded the bandwidth limit defined by the server’s administrator. The server configuration defines an interval for bandwidth checks, and only after this interval, the limit is reset. Client requests will continue to fail until the bandwidth limit is reset in the next cycle.

510 – Not Extended

This error indicates that the access policy for the requested resource was not met by the client. The server will provide information the client needs to extend their access to the resource.

511 – Network Authentication Required

This error indicates that the resource accessed requires authorization. The response should provide a link to a resource that allows users to authenticate themselves.

Causes of 5xx Server Errors

5xx errors can occur at multiple layers of the server environment. In an application, these layers include:

Here are a few common reasons for 5xx server errors, regardless of the type of application:

How to Resolve 5XX errors

Debugging Server-Side Scripts in Applications

5xx server errors are often caused by customer scripts you are running on a server. Here are a few things you should check if your application returns a 5xx error:

Debugging 5xx Server Errors in NGINX

The NGINX documentation recommends an interesting technique to debug 5xx errors in an NGINX server when it is used as a reverse proxy or load balancer—setting up a special debug server and routing all error requests to that server. The debug server is a replica of the production server, so it should return the same errors.

There are a few benefits to this approach:

You can use the following configuration to set up an application server and route errors to a debug server:

upstream app_server {
upstream debug_server {
    server max_conns=20;

server {
    listen *:80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://app_server;
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        error_page 500 503 504 @debug;
    location @debug {
        proxy_pass http://debug_server;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access_debug_server.log detailed;
        error_log  /var/log/nginx/error_debug_server.log;

Debugging 5xx Errors in Kubernetes Nodes

There are two common errors for 5xx errors returned by a Kubernetes node—node-level termination and pod-level termination.

Node-level termination events

Nodes can return 5xx errors if an automated mechanism, or a human administrator, makes changes to the nodes without first draining them of Kubernetes workloads. For example, the following actions can result in a 5xx error on a node:

To diagnose and resolve a 5xx error on a node:

  1. Identify if the node as shut down or modified by a staff member or an external process.
  2. Check if the node is running, and if not, restart it and ensure it rejoins the cluster.
  3. Log into the nodes and review logs to see what caused the node to fail or misbehave.

Pod level termination events

When a pod is terminated due to eviction from a node, the following process occurs:

  1. The Kubernetes control plane instructs the kubelet to terminate the pod.
  2. The kubelet instructs the operating system to send a SIGTERM (15) signal to all containers running in the pod.
  3. There is a configurable grace period, during which applications could gracefully shut down and close existing connections.
  4. The operating system sends SIGKILL to kill any remaining containers in the pod.

5xx errors can occur in between steps 3 and 4. When applications are shutting down, they might fail to serve certain requests and return errors, which will typically be 502 (bad gateway) or 504 (gateway timeout).

Hope this article helps to understand 5XX errors, in coming articles will see how to troubleshooting selected 5xx error with real time example. If you like you can check our Kubernetes Troubleshooting Articles for more understanding on Troubleshooting.

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